India will cross China by 2022
India and China always competes with each other in order to prove their super natural powers. According to United Nations Population Studies...
India and China always competes with each other in order to prove their super natural powers. According to United Nations Population Studies Body, India will cross China by 2022 in its population. Now China is strictly having a rule of giving birth to a single child.
Now India's population is 1.24 billion. But 2030 India's population may reach 1.5 billion as they are not having any strict rules to control the Population. But by 2030, China population may remain the same.
As there will be high growth of population, that may cause a problem for the countries development. India is trying to have atleast 9% in it's growth rate of Developmnet GDP.
An official at UN population Studies Body stated as-"The concentration of growth in the poorest countries would make it harder to eradicate poverty, combat hunger and expand schooling and health systems". So, it's better to control the population by atleast taking some pre regulations and strong will by the Government of India.